When I posted the previous post I noticed a warning about a new Drupal version being available. I SSH'd into my box, navigated to my website's directory and ran composer update and made sure everything was updated.
I was then confronted with an error when going to cycrev.com:
Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.2.0".
A seemingly simple error - back to SSH, become root, and run some good ol' sudo apt update and sudo apt list --upgradeable and sudo apt upgrade while i'm there.
Now verified that php 8.3 is now installed, I restart the apache2 server, and... still get the same error.
Composer diagnose tells me that everything is peachy... and yet it isn't. I do some other composer updates, try running a drush updatedb and still nothing.
A lot of tabs and failed attempts later, I realize that apache2 was still running php 8.1! When I looked under /etc/apache2/conf-enabled I could see the files there clear as day! But in conf-available I foud php 8.3.
A lot more googling later, I determined the following commands:
a2enmod php8.3
a2enmod php8.3
systemctl restart apache2
And now I can successfully access the website again! A quick documentation later and we're here.
Some notable reference links I used:
Find the apache conf files: https://serverfault.com/questions/428800/how-do-i-tell-apache-which-php-to-use
Find the running services: https://www.tecmint.com/list-all-running-services-under-systemd-in-linux/
Ultimately solved by: https://tecadmin.net/switch-between-multiple-php-version-on-debian/
Determine I have multiple phps installed: https://serverfault.com/questions/58346/how-to-determine-which-php-is-being-used
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