Troubleshooting note: Apache2 using the wrong php

When I posted the previous post I noticed a warning about a new Drupal version being available. I SSH'd into my box, navigated to my website's directory and ran composer update and made sure everything was updated.

I was then confronted with an error when going to 

Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 8.2.0".

A seemingly simple error - back to SSH, become root, and run some good ol' sudo apt update and sudo apt list --upgradeable and sudo apt upgrade while i'm there.  

Navigating Privacy and Security: Insights from CalOPPA on the impact of SEC Disclosure Rule

 In 2004 CalOPPA became law and effectively required all websites to have a posted privacy policy. It contained no privacy requirements, but nevertheless significantly improved privacy of consumers. Whatever a company stated their privacy policy was had to then be followed, with the FTC and several states taking action against companies who use their consumers’ data in ways not authorized by their privacy policy.